Letting Go

Wow.  I received the following in a random e-mail from my cousin, yesterday.  How could he have known it was just what I needed to hear?  He’s actually my dad’s first cousin (and one of my favorites) and  I only see him once a year but he often sends e-mails out to a family distribution list; some funny and some deep.  The words below --- deep:

There is great personal freedom to be found in letting go:

To let go doesn’t mean to stop caring, it means I can’t do it for someone else.

To let go doesn’t mean to cut myself off, it’s the realization that I can’t control another.

To let go is not to enable, but to allow learning for natural consequences.

To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To let go is not to change or blame another, it is to make the most of myself.

To let go is not to care for, but to care about.

To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.

To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to experience their humanity.

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies.

To let go is not to be protective, it’s to allow another to face reality.

To let go is not to criticize or control anyone, but to try to achieve what I dream I can become.

To let go is to fear less and to love more.

I don’t even know if there is anything more I need to say.  It’s perfect!

Let it go,


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