- I've been up since 3:00 a.m. - I went to bed at 9:00, so I actually got one more hour than my standard (and not nearly enough) five hours of sleep. [insert yawn here]
- It's Ash Wednesday and I will be dawning a large black spot on my forehead all day. I'm Catholic, I get ashes on Ash Wednesday...prrrrrretty sure I'm not alone.
- At least three people today, will stop me to tell me I have dirt on my forehead. [refer to previous bullet point]
- Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and it just happens to be the start of Lent...well not really SO What!, I love candy and I won't be able to eat any of the traditional sweet Valentine treats.
- If I loathe when people say ValentiMes Day. This is a big one, people - it drives me nuts! It's ValentiNe's day, named after St. Valentine. If you don't believe me, click here.
- The "Hub" and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. We both have birthdays in February, so "we're good." We celebrate for the kiddos instead.
- I'm still talking about how totally Ahmaze the Grammy's were! See yesterday's post for more details.
- I'm eyeing up, yet another watch. It's this sweet little Baby G by Casio. Again...with my watch obsession.
What are you saying So What! to this week? Pop on over to visit my friend, Shannon at Life After I "Dew" and dish.
Happy "Over the Hump" Day,

OMG I am cracking up at the ashes. I am not catholic, but I can only imagine the comments.
ReplyDeleteDid you give up candy for lent?? Good luck!
Stopping by from So What Wednesday!!
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom