And just like that it was gone... an Instant!  I lost my Instagram account.  I have been posting photos to my Instagram via BellaBud for exactly 52 weeks now - 1 full year and just like that my account was "DEACTIVATED".  Say what?  I was logged out on my app, which I found odd, so I logged back in, I tried to log back in and got the stinging message that said "your account has been deactivated due to violation of terms of use".  Come again?

Clearly this was a mistake.  Me violate anything?  Oh!  I am not a rule breaker, never have been and never will be.  What I am is "Instagram Obsessed" and a  little bit lot ticked off!
I still have no idea why my account was deactivated, but I do know it's gone forever {insert pout here}.  Luckily being the "geek girl" that I am - I have a back up of all my instagram photos EVER taken {insert sarcastic head bob here}.  I'm mad that I lost my simple pretty name "BellaBud" and have to use "BellaBudBlog" now.  I'll get over it, but in the meantime I have to work at getting all my followers back and they have to deal with seeing an obnoxious amount of photos being uploaded until I get them all restored. So take that Instagram! 

To keep up with the fun photo stream that is @BellaBudBlog, look me up on Instagram and follow along. 

Say Cheese,


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