Funny Foto Friday

It's Funny Foto Friday and I have a Halloween Treat for you - grown adults in some silly costumes.  As Halloween fast approaches I searched for some Halloween pictures over the years and found a couple worth sharing. 
This is my cousin dressed as Richard Simmons - that takes some guts!

This is his brother... OMG, that is some serious junk!

My little sis and her husband, who by the way is a preppy business man by day.

Dare I admit it, this is my husband and his "thrown together" nerdy hillbilly costume.
Maybe this post gave you some ideas for your own costumes - on second thought - I hope not.

Laugh Out Loud,


  1. OMG, not sure who looks the funniest. I can't even believe that is Jared. Rob looks too funny!

  2. Ok so I have been really behind reading your blog and today I decided before I get on a boring conference call with techies from Israel, I needed some laughter. Laughing did I do. OH MY GOD my dear sister those Halloween pictures are hysterical! I love it! Thanks for making my crack up. Off to talk about bits and bytes now.
