Are you there God? It's me Crissa.

Some of you were expecting me to say Margaret, weren't you?  If you were then you know where this post is going.  If you don't know where this post is going then you're probably a male and this post might be entirely too girly for you.  Don't say I didn't warn you ;)

It's funny how one thing leads to another and another and then BAM! it's all the makings of my next post.  It all began when I realized that my favorite author from my pre-teen years, Judy Blume was on Twitter.  I started following her and after only a few days of following someone posed this question to @judyblume:

"Trying to decide. Do u think 9 is ok age for Are You There God?".

Her response was:

"Depends on child. Are u ready to answer questions?"

I immediately thought OMG, that's exactly what I  was thinking when my daughter got the book for her 9th birthday.  I put the book away in the closet never to be seen again UNTIL...  Until what?  I wasn't exactly sure.  Now I'm pretty sure that I wasn't ready to answer questions.  She was only 9 - too young to hear about all the things that good old Mother Nature had in store for her and her girlfriends.

Ever since she turned 10 I've been thinking that it may be time to pull the book off the closet shelf and let her read it.  I know she would find humor in it and I think it would help her feel better and understand the impending changes.

If you're a regular follower then you know that my daughter just turned 10.  It has been an exciting time and a bit of a nerve-wracking time for her and for me.  Exciting because she's growing up, she's becoming more mature and we have great little talks.  She has also recently taken on new responsibilities, such as dog walking neighborhood dogs and helping me out with my side business.  Nerve-wracking in the respect that she's growing up and taking notice of things like her clothes, her hair, her skin, her shape etc.  Some of you are probably wondering, "why is that nerve-wracking"?  Well, I'm here to tell you that there are certain things I don't like to talk about - things that embarrass me, things that make me feel uncomfortable. 

As they say "the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree."  Bella is just like me.  So now I'm thinking that the book's main character, 12 year old, Margaret Simon can help get the conversation going.  There are some things about growing up that are hard for Margaret to talk about, even with her friends but she tackles them in a humorous and heart-warming way.

It's funny how 30 years later Judy Blume is STILL helping pre-teens and their moms cope with adolescence.

As I mentioned, one thing leads to another and yesterday I was looking for something in my storage room in the basement when out of nowhere I see four of my original Judy Blume books from the 1970's.  I don't even know where they came from but I was excited to look at them and reminisce about days gone by.  Plus, they totally helped prompt this post.
A small sampling of my beloved collection

Wear and tear on the covers caused by multiple reads

Look at the price of these books...$1.50 - oh the good old days

"Are you still there Judy? It's me, Crissa. I know you're there Judy. I know you wouldn't have missed this for anything! Thank you Judy. Thanks an awful lot..."


  1. I hate to say that I have never read that book. I know how you feel, there are things I dread talking about with my oldest daughter but know I have to do it before someone else does but I REALLY don't want to- wish they could just stay little!

  2. I LOVE this post Crissa Darling! My little girl is a couple years younger, but I already know what book I'll be handing her at about 11 1/2... but for right now, Fudge is her favorite JB character and I'm good with that! lol Cups Up! xoxo
