I have been in sales for many years and anyone who is in or has been in sales knows that the end of the month just plain stinks. Deadlines, sales quotas, last minute orders can really stress you out. Couple month-end with a Royal Wedding that started at 4:00 a.m. on the East Coast and it makes for one long day. Now I know I didn't have to get up at 4:00 a.m. and watch the wedding, but I didn't want to miss a thing. I am so in awe of the beautiful, sweet, loving William and Kate and their Fairytale life. It was my stress release for the end of the month crazies. Speaking of Prince William and Princess Catherine, here is their official wedding photo. It's a beauty.

I have to admit that I am happy to see the rainy, dreary month of April come to an end and am looking forward to a bright and magnificent May.
Happy May Day,

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