So What! Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and time for another update on my So Whats!  This week I am saying So What! If:
  •  I don’t make Thanksgiving Dinner and have never stuffed or made a turkey in my life.  I’m blessed with a large family and the generation before me has yet to pass the torch on to me.  I’m in no rush to take it over, but I’m not gonna lie – I’m starting to feel the pressure.
  • I loathe Black Friday but love Cyber Monday.  I’m all about shopping on line.  I prefer the comfort of my home vs. the angry mobs of Black Friday shoppers tripping over people for a deal that you can also get 3 days later (and in your pajamas to boot!).
  • I had to search far and wide to find a dressy outfit with LONG sleeves for my company Christmas party this weekend.  My arms look like I got in a fight with a rose bush (and lost), thanks to my teething puppy.
  • I spent the entire long holiday weekend bunkered in at my house.  I got so much stuff done around the house, including putting up my Christmas decorations...can I get an Amen?!  
  • We opted to put the Christmas tree in our dining room this year {insert gasp here}.  I know it sounds dumb, but our dining room is gated off from the puppy and it will be less stress on all of us that she won’t have access to it.  It looks very pretty despite its location. 

  • I refuse to ever abbreviate the word Christmas by using  X-mas.  It’s actually a ginormous pet peeve of mine and I won’t allow my kids to do it either.  I’m stating the obvious here, but it completely takes the Christ out of Christmas and that is NOT alright with me.  

  • My puppy is crazy right now. She is 15 weeks old and has officially entered her “Cujo” stage, otherwise known in Canine terms as Stage 4.  She is definitely testing the boundaries around our household.  I just keep reminding myself and my family that it’s only temporary and “this too shall pass.”
  • I’ve been a Pinning fool lately.  I go in spurts.  Currently, I’m trying to keep up on the latest trends and recipes for the 2013 Holiday Season.  I’m happy to share the inspiration, check out my boards here.

That’s a So What! wrap for this week, but it doesn’t end here…stop over to see Shannon at Life After I “Dew” for more.

Happy “Over the Hump” Day,


  1. I'm a Christmas person too. I never shorten it it just seems so wrong.
    Stopping by from the link up - Jenny

  2. I refuse to do Xmas as well. If it wasn't for Christ there wouldn't be a Christmas! My Christmas tree is in the front bay window which used to be our dining we call it the reading room! Very pretty tree you have
