Funny Foto Friday

It's Funny Foto Friday at BellaBud and I took to Pinterest to find some funny fotos.  These family photos are more than funny, they're...well...awkward to say the least.

Keep in mind, I don't know any of these families ~ they are for pure entertainment purposes only and I'm pretty sure I can deliver on that.  Take a look.

Really, do you think this picture of beat down, hung over Santa should be part of your childhood Christmas memories?

Who you gonna call??  Certainly not the photographer who let this family dress in Ghostbuster shirts!  No business.

There really are no words for this picture.  I mean other than ridiculous.

I think it's awkward to pose with your four impressionable children in the middle of the highway, but that's just me.
Just to reiterate, these photos are not of my actual family - they are random silliness I found on Pinterest. :) 

Laugh out loud,


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